Tag Archives: abromaitis

Holiday Cheer, but no basketball near :(

22 Nov

     With the NBA still in a lockout, this year for thanksgiving families are going to have to find something else to watch.  Ratings will be up for sure in all of the televised football and college games broadcasted on Thanksgiving.  With no NBA key holiday matchups, this year fans are going to have to try and find something else to get their fix.  Maybe a college game!!

     Besides Thanksgiving not having basketball, as it stands right now there is going to be no Christmas games either.   If by some rare miracle, the players and owners can come to terms with a deal by than, David Stern said he is willing to put those games back on the table.  I, however, do not feel like that is going to happen so start making alternate watching plans for christmas day as well.


Since B-ball is in a stand still, why not pick a college team to follow… LADIES… I sugesst following Notre Dame because of this gorgeous Greek God of the ball… Tim Abromaitis…



Tim is a 6′ 8” foward who is with Notre Dame for his fifth season. (Was out his sophmore year so he maintained elligilbilty).


DO YOU HAVE A FAVORTIE? What is your favorite team/ player? Let us know!