Tag Archives: obama

Who donated to presidential candidates this election from the NBA?

5 Nov


For the full list please see this link to hoopshype.com   Click it!

President Obama on the NBA Lockout.

13 Nov

President Barack Obama was recently interviewed by the NY Times… and he had an opinion on the lockout.

According to an interview with NYtimes.com:

When asked about the impasse between the NBA owners and players, Mr. Obama quipped, “It’s killing me.” But he said, “I’m not going to intercede. I’ve got some bigger fish to fry.”
“In a contest between billionaires and millionaires,” Mr. Obama said, “they should be able to figure out how to divvy up their profits in a way that serves their fans, who are allowing them to be making all this money — not to mention all the folks who work in the concession stands and in the parking lots of facilities all across the country.”